




使用 LPC5536 的 SCT 外設生成用於步進電機的 PWM 斬波

2023-12-25 09:05| 发布者: 闪电| 查看: 1| 评论: 0

摘要: 1. 用於步進電機的PWM斬波介紹 前面的博文介紹了此節的內容,本文將不再重複,可以搜索博文《使用 LPC5536 的 eFlexPWM 外設生成用於步進電機的 PWM 斬波》。2. LPC5536SCT外設特性介紹和初始化代碼 可以把 LPC553 ...

1. 用於步進電機的 PWM 斬波介紹

    前面的博文介紹了此節的內容,本文將不再重複,可以搜索博文《使用 LPC5536 的 eFlexPWM 外設生成用於步進電機的 PWM 斬波》。

2. LPC5536 
SCT 外設特性介紹和初始化代碼

    可以把 LPC5536 中的 SCTimer(state control Timer) 看成半定製的定時器,     SCTimer 是一個功能強大、靈活的定時器模塊,能夠創建複雜的 PWM 波形,並在最少或無需 CPU 干預的情況下執行其他高級定時和控制操作。

    SCT 可以作為單個 32 位計數器操作,也可以作為兩個獨立的 16 位計數器在單向或雙向模式下操作。與大多數定時器一樣,SCT 支持選擇可與計數值進行比較的匹配寄存器,以及在檢測到某些預定義條件時可記錄當前計數值的捕獲寄存器。SCT 模塊支持多個單獨的事件,

    這些事件可以由用戶根據一些參數組合來定義,包括一個匹配寄存器上的匹配、和/或一個 SCT 輸入或輸出上的變化,每個 SCT 模塊有 8 個輸入,10 個輸出,16 個比較寄存器,16 個事件寄存器,16 個狀態寄存器,SCT 模塊的框圖如下,本例中只用到他的 Output 輸出功能。



    下圖是步進電機其中一相的 H 橋的 PWM 信號,由 SCT 的 SCT0_OUT0 和 SCT0_OUT1 輸出。

     匹配寄存器 MATCH[14] 定義了 PWM 的頻率,counter 計數到 MATCH[14] 時其將重新計數,同時拉低所有的 IO 信號, MATCH[1] 定義上半周 PWM 拉高的位置, MATCH[0] 定義了半周期的時刻,一般放在整個 PWM 周期的中點,當 counter 計數到 MATCH[0] 時拉低 PWM 信號。

     MATCH[2] 定義下半周 PWM 信號拉高的時刻,直到計數到 MATCH[14],如此重複。當 counter 計數到對應的匹配寄存器時產生事件, SCT0_OUT0 或 SCT0_OUT1 綁定到此事件並定義是拉低還是拉高以此生成所需要的 PWM 信號。

     各寄存器影響 PWM 波形如下圖所示:



    通過設置 MATCH 寄存器不同的值即可改變 PWM 不同的占空比。

32bit: UNIFY = 1
unidirectional: BIDIR = 0
counter limit event: 14

void SCT0_PWM_Unidirectional_Init(void)
volatile uint32_t temp;

/* Enable the SCTimer clock*/

/* Reset the module. */
while(0UL == (SYSCON->PRESETCTRL1 & 0x4UL))
/* ... */
while(0x4UL == (SYSCON->PRESETCTRL1 & 0x4UL))
/* ... */

/* SCT CLK Configure */

temp = SCT0->CONFIG;
temp &= 0xFFF80000;
temp |= (1UL << 0UL)| /* UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 1UL)| /* PWM clock mode:
0x0 System Clock Mode
0x1 Sampled System Clock Mode
0x2 SCT Input Clock Mode
0x3 Asynchronous Mode */
(8UL << 3UL)| /* CKSEL */
(0UL << 7UL)| /* NORELAOD_L */
(0UL << 8UL)| /* NORELAOD_H */
(0UL << 9UL)| /* INSYNC:Synchronization for input N */
(0UL << 17UL)| /* AUTOLIMIT_L */
(0UL << 18UL); /* AUTOLIMIT_H */

SCT0->CONFIG = temp;

temp = SCT0->CTRL;
temp &= 0xE000E000;
temp |= (0UL << 1UL)| /* STOP_L */
(1UL << 2UL)| /* HALT_L */
(0UL << 3UL)| /* CLRCTR_L */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* BIDIR_L */
(0UL << 5UL); /* PRE_L */
SCT0->CTRL = temp;

// Setup the LIMIT register
// No events serve as counter limits because we are using the AUTOLIMIT feature of match0 (see the CONFIG reg. config.)
// event 14
SCT0->LIMIT = 1UL << 14UL;
/* MATCH 14 */
/* Sync eFlexPWM0, Delay 0° Clear eFlexPWM0 SM[0] Counter */
SCT0->MATCH[14] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ - 1UL);
SCT0->MATCHREL[14] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ - 1UL);
/* Event 14, for counter LIMIT event */
temp = SCT0->EV[14].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (14UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[14].CTRL = temp;

// Setup the HALT register
// No events will set the HALT_L bit in the CTRL reg.

// Setup the STOP register
// No events will set the STOP_L bit in the CTRL reg.

// Setup the START register
// No events will set the START bit in the CTRL reg.

// Initialize the COUNT register
// Start counting at '0'

// Initialize the STATE register
// Start in state 0

//Dither Condition

// Setup the REGMODE register
// 0x0 All Match/Capture registers act as match registers

// Configure the OUTPUT register
// Initialize CTOUT_x to '0' ,software can write to any of the output registers when both counters are halted

// Configure the OUTPUTDIRCTRL register
// 01 Set and clear are reversed when counter L or the unified counter is counting down
// 00 Set and clear do not depend on the direction of any counter
temp &= 0xFFF00000;
temp |= (0x1UL << 0UL)| //output0,
(0x1UL << 2UL)| //output1,
(0x1UL << 4UL)| //output2,
(0x1UL << 6UL)| //output3,
(0x1UL << 8UL)| //output4,
(0x1UL << 10UL)| //output5,
(0x1UL << 12UL)| //output6,
(0x1UL << 14UL)| //output7,
(0x1UL << 16UL)| //output8,
(0x1UL << 18UL); //output9,

// Configure the RES register
SCT0->RES = 0xFFFFFUL;// A Clear output,F Toggle output

// Configure the SCT DMA register

// Configure the event interrupt enable register
SCT0->EVEN |= ((1UL << 9UL)|(1UL << 14UL));//(1UL << 14UL) event 14 requests an interrupt
// Clear any pending event flags by writing '1's to the EVFLAG register

// Configure the conflict interrupt enable register
SCT0->CONEN |= 0b1111111111;//
// Clear any pending 'no-change conflict' event flags, and BUSSERR flags, by writing '1's to the CONLAG register
SCT0->CONFLAG |= (0x3 << 30UL) | (0b1111111111);

// Configure the match registers (and their associated match reload registers, which will be the same for this example)
// for the PWM duty cycles desired
//150Mhz/36621KHz/2 = 2048
SCT0->MATCH[0] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ/2UL - 1UL); // Match0 is the AUTOLIMIT event, determines the period of the PWM
SCT0->MATCHREL[0] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ/2UL - 1UL); //

/* MATCH 15 */
SCT0->MATCH[15] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ/2UL);

/* PWM1 */
SCT0->MATCH[1] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[1] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM2 */
SCT0->MATCH[2] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[2] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM3 */
SCT0->MATCH[3] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[3] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM4 */
SCT0->MATCH[4] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[4] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM5 */
SCT0->MATCH[5] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[5] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM6 */
SCT0->MATCH[6] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[6] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM7 */
SCT0->MATCH[7] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[7] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* PWM8 */
SCT0->MATCH[8] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[8] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* MATCH 10 */
SCT0->MATCH[10] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[10] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* MATCH 11 */
SCT0->MATCH[11] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[11] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* MATCH 12 */
SCT0->MATCH[12] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[12] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* MATCH 13 */
SCT0->MATCH[13] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty
SCT0->MATCHREL[13] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ + 1UL);//0% Duty

/* Event is enabled in state 0 - 15,setting bit 0 permanently enables this event */
/* Only work at state 0 */
SCT0->EV[0].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[1].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[2].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[3].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[4].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[5].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[6].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[7].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[8].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[9].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[10].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[11].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[12].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[13].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[14].STATE = 0x1UL;
SCT0->EV[15].STATE = 0x1UL;

/* Event 0 */
temp = SCT0->EV[0].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (0UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[0].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 1,PWM1 */
temp = SCT0->EV[1].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (1UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[1].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 2,PWM2 */
temp = SCT0->EV[2].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (2UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[2].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 3,PWM3 */
temp = SCT0->EV[3].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (3UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */

(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[3].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 4,PWM4 */
temp = SCT0->EV[4].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (4UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[4].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 5,PWM5 */
temp = SCT0->EV[5].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (5UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[5].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 6,PWM6 */
temp = SCT0->EV[6].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (6UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[6].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 7,PWM7 */
temp = SCT0->EV[7].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (7UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[7].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 8,PWM8 */
temp = SCT0->EV[8].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (8UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[8].CTRL = temp;

SCT_OUT4 ---> PWM0 EXT_Sync

EVENT 9(MATCH[9]) ---> SCT_OUT4 Fall
EVENT 14(MATCH[14]) ---> SCT_OUT4 Rise
SCT0->MATCH[9] = (uint32_t)(MCU_CLOCK_FREQ/M1_PWM_FREQ/2UL - 1UL);

/* Event 9, Sync eFlexPWM0 */
temp = SCT0->EV[9].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (9UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[9].CTRL = temp;

/* SCT0_OUT4 */
SCT0->OUT[4].SET = (1UL << 14UL);
SCT0->OUT[4].CLR = (1UL << 9UL);

/* Event 10 */
temp = SCT0->EV[10].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (10UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[10].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 11 */
temp = SCT0->EV[11].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (11UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[11].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 12 */
temp = SCT0->EV[12].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (12UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[12].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 13 */
temp = SCT0->EV[13].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (13UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[13].CTRL = temp;

/* Event 15 */
temp = SCT0->EV[15].CTRL;
temp &= 0xFF800000;
temp |= (15UL << 0UL)| /* MATCHSEL select MATCH register */
(0UL << 4UL)| /* HEVENT Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1 */
(0UL << 5UL)| /* OUTSEL Input 0/output 1 select */
(0UL << 6UL)| /* IOSEL Selects the input or output signal number */
(0UL << 10UL)| /* IOCOND Selects the I/O condition for event n, 00 Low,01 Rise,10 Fall,11 High */
(0x01UL<< 12UL)| /* COMBMODE Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined. 01 match Only */
(0x0UL << 14UL)| /* STATELD STATEV value is added (0) or loaded (1) into STATE */
(0x0UL << 15UL)| /* STATEV This value is loaded into or added to the state */
(0x0UL << 20UL)| /* MATCHMEM If this bit is zero, a match is only be active during the cycle */
(0x0UL << 21UL); /* DIRECTION BIDIR mode,0 Direction independent.1 Counting up.2 Counting down. */
SCT0->EV[15].CTRL = temp;

/* Configure the OUT registers for the SCT outputs */
/* selects event m to set output n,bit 0 with event 0, etc.). */
/* PWM1 OUT0 */
SCT0->OUT[0].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[0].CLR = 0UL;

/* PWM2 OUT1 */
SCT0->OUT[1].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[1].CLR = 0UL;

SCT0->OUT[2].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[2].CLR = 0;

/* PWM4 OUT3 */
SCT0->OUT[3].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[3].CLR = 0UL;

/* PWM5 OUT5 */
SCT0->OUT[5].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[5].CLR = 0UL;

/* PWM6 OUT6 */
SCT0->OUT[6].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[6].CLR = 0UL;

/* PWM7 OUT7 */
SCT0->OUT[7].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[7].CLR = 0UL;

/* PWM8 OUT8 */
SCT0->OUT[8].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[8].CLR = 0UL;

/* OUT9 */
SCT0->OUT[9].SET = 0UL;
SCT0->OUT[9].CLR = 0UL;

/* FINALLY ... now let's run it. Clearing bit 2 of the CTRL register takes it out of HALT. */
SCT0->CTRL &= (uint32_t)(~(1UL << 2UL)); /* HALT_L = 0,START COUNTER */

// NVIC_SetPriority (SCT0_IRQn, 0UL);
// NVIC_EnableIRQ(SCT0_IRQn);


3. 實際效果

    以上是使用 SCT生成需要的 PWM 的波形的過程,在完整的步進電機控制中這種 PWM 斬波模式可以實現比較好的電流波形,紋波比較小,藍色為 PWM 信號,黃色為電流信號。


4. 參考文檔

    LPC5536 參考手冊:    







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